Paul states that whoever loves others has fulfilled the law. He goes on to explain that what he’s saying is that what all the commandments amount to is loving people. And that’s why love is the fulfillment of the law. 1 John says that to love God is to keep his commands. And it also says everyone who loves others has been born of God, and that means they can’t sin anymore. So let’s look at a few examples of people in the Bible who loved others.
Samson loved Delilah, so he told her how to break his Nazirite vow and the requirements God’s law imposed on him as a Nazirite. The Bible says Amnon loved his sister Tamar, so he raped her. That’s a violation of multiple laws. And Solomon loved many foreign women, so he married hundreds of them and worshiped their gods. That was a violation of at least three of God’s laws. These people broke God’s laws as a direct result of loving others.