Some people think the Bible is a good source of morality. Have those people read the Bible? I don’t see how you could think that, knowing the things the Bible tells people to do.
God even admits that, at least at one point, he was giving his people bad laws. That’s meant to contrast with the laws he had given before, but those were bad already. Paul says the reason God gave his laws in the first place was to make people sin more. And he says God may have intended them to bring life, but all God’s deceptive laws did was bring death.
In the Bible, God makes circumcision a requirement for all male descendants of Abraham forever. If you’re going to be mutilating the genitals of babies, you’d better have a very good reason. But the only reason God has for this rule is that it’s the sign of the covenant he’s making. If it’s meant to be a sign, that means the purpose is to communicate something. Why can’t God think of a better way to communicate than by cutting off part of a boy’s penis?
If you want people to be marked with a sign, a body part that people aren’t going to be able to see most of the time is the worst possible place to put it. This rule was stupid. Even the Bible itself later says that circumcision is worse than useless. According to Paul, it can prevent Jesus from saving you. So apparently all of Abraham’s descendants are going to have to go to hell because God made them follow this rule.
God likes to celebrate his holidays by forcing his people to eat “the bread of affliction“.
There are all kinds of problems with the Ten Commandments, as I’ve detailed in another blog post. About half of those commandments really aren’t good rules at all, and the rest are handled rather too simplistically. God doesn’t actually follow the Ten Commandments himself, which shows that either they’re not good or he’s not good. Or both.
One of the main focuses of God’s laws is all the animal sacrifices that God demanded from his people. Sometimes they would only burn part of an animal and eat the rest, which doesn’t sound like they’re really sacrificing anything. And in the case of burnt offerings, they just burned the whole animal.
They were required to sacrifice the best animals they had, which is not just needless killing, and not just a waste of good meat, but also dysgenic selective breeding. By specifically killing the best animals they had, they were probably causing the quality of their livestock to continually get worse over time.
The biblical protocol for dealing with infectious skin diseases states that people confirmed to be diseased are not to be isolated. And that people are to be considered clean when there’s a disease visibly covering their whole body. But once you’ve recovered from a skin disease, you have to spend a week outdoors. You’re not even allowed to use a tent.
God’s laws don’t just encourage generosity, but make it mandatory, which makes it into theft. God says a little stealing is fine, just don’t do a lot of stealing, at least not all from the same person. But if you kill a thief who breaks into your home, you may or may not be considered guilty, depending on what time of day you did it.
God’s laws condone brutal slavery. Apologists like to focus on the less terrible temporary debt slavery when they discuss biblical slavery, but the Bible also allows much worse slavery practices that are no better than what normally comes to mind when you think of slavery. And the Bible’s laws regarding slavery are discriminatory, so being a slave is much worse if you’re a women or a foreigner.
God says if you find an attractive woman among the captives of war that you’ve taken, then after she’s done mourning for her parents that you killed, you and your captive can get married. Like she would want to.
If a man’s married brother dies childless, God’s law requires the man to either marry the widow and have kids who won’t be considered his, or be publicly disgraced.1
And the law says none of these terrible rules can ever be changed. Good thing everyone ignores that rule.
The Bible’s positions regarding freedom of speech are generally terrible. For example, the law of Moses says anyone who says anything against the God of Israel must be killed. (Even though the Bible says a real god shouldn’t need anyone’s help to defend himself.) And the Bible approvingly mentions a king making a similar law that applied even outside of Israel.
One of the rules for people who want to be disciples of Jesus is that they have to hate their families.
Jesus says you should do to others as you would have them do to you, which sounds like a pretty good rule if you don’t think about what it’s saying. A lot of atheists even agree with it. But I’d say it’s really not a good rule at all. I’ve written a whole other blog post explaining why. Basically the problem is that it completely fails to take into account what others want, which is a pretty important thing to consider when you’re deciding what to do to others.
Jesus’s rule for how to deal with evil people abusing you is to not resist them. If people are stealing from you, hitting you, or kidnapping you, just encourage them to do even more evil. He says you have to forgive people for what they did to you, if you want God to forgive you. But forgiving people isn’t an inherently good thing. By forgiving everyone unconditionally, you would just be making people more likely to do bad things to you.
Jesus says you should deal with your own problems before you worry about helping others. Well, he was probably trying to say something else, but the way he chose to illustrate it sure makes it sound like he’s promoting selfish behavior.
Paul had a rule for his followers, which he claimed was a command from God: Married people can never get divorced. This is a bad rule because it turns marriage into captivity, forcing people in unhappy or even abusive situations to stay that way for the rest of their lives. Banning divorce, or even just banning no-fault divorce, also makes adultery happen more often. Even God disagrees with Paul’s rule, or else God wouldn’t have given his people rules commanding them to get divorced in certain situations.
The Bible tells people to embrace faith, and other irrational and anti-intellectual ways of thinking that are inherently opposed to truth.
The Bible has a lot of rules that discriminate against certain kinds of people for no good reason.2 For instance, it’s unbelievably sexist, forbidding women to have any position of authority or even to speak at church. It treats women as property, and says people who do bad things to a woman have to compensate the man in charge of her, instead of having to compensate her. Paul says women need to submit to their husbands like they’re God, and Peter says women need to submit to their husbands the same way he thinks slave should submit to their violently abusive masters.
The Bible says men who have sex with men have to be killed for their wicked, detestable, vile, outrageous, shameful sin, and will not be allowed into the kingdom of God. God’s law also demands that anyone who worships any other gods be killed.
A lot of the stuff that the law of Moses required other Israelites to tithe “to God” actually went to the Levites. Moses was a Levite, by the way. Moses kept claiming that God wanted the people to give Moses’s family and tribe free food and money.
God’s laws demand that you respect old people, even though not all old people are respectable. The law also says you shouldn’t say anything bad about your rulers and religious leaders. When Paul realized that he was talking to a ruler, he decided he had been wrong to point out that that person was violating the law. According to Paul, everyone should just let the rulers and leaders do all the bad things they want, without anyone even being allowed to talk about it.
Continue reading Bad rules in the Bible