The Story of the Good Kings of Judah
No Rest for the Righteous

After Queen Athaliah was murdered, she was replaced by the seven-year-old king Joash. He reigned for 40 years, doing what was right. Joash had two wives, and he wouldn’t worship God or listen to his prophets. God got Joash severely wounded in battle, and then his own officials murdered him.

Joash was succeeded by his son Amaziah, who killed his father’s murderers. He reigned for 29 years, doing what was right. Just like his father, Amaziah wouldn’t worship God or listen to his prophets. So God got the king of Israel to attack Judah, and then Amaziah got murdered, too.

Amaziah’s son, Azariah king of Judah, reigned for 52 years, doing what was right. God afflicted him with leprosy, so he had to be isolated all his life and wasn’t allowed in his own palace. Next, Azariah’s son, Jotham king of Judah, reigned for 16 years, doing what was right. So God sent the kings of Israel and Aram to fight against him.

The end.

The moral of the story

Don’t do what is right, or you will be murdered or punished by God.

Previous story:

Queen Athaliah

Next story:

The Exile of Israel and Judah1

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