Envy leads to the death of the simple-minded people who indulge in it, at least according to Eliphaz.
One of the Ten Commandments is: You shall not covet anything that belongs to your neighbor. Moses also warned the Israelites not to covet the Canaanite idols. When Achan coveted some of the plunder from Jericho and took it for himself, God refused to help Israel anymore until they killed Achan’s whole family. And when some other Israelites envied Moses’s authority, God made the earth open up and swallow them.
David says you shouldn’t be envious of those who do wrong. And Solomon says you shouldn’t envy the violent. He says envy rots your bones, and jealousy is worse than cruel and overwhelming anger. He says greed brings ruin to your whole household, and anyone who is eager to get rich will be punished with poverty. Asaph envied the wicked and arrogant when he saw how well-off they were, but he considered that a mistake. The wise will tell you not to let yourself envy sinners, because those people are going to die.
Isaiah says greed is sinful and enrages God. Jeremiah says people should be ashamed of their greed, and God will punish them for it. Ezekiel says God will judge people for wanting to take possession of countries. And Micah says God will inflict disaster on people who covet and seize fields and houses.
Jesus says envy is an evil thought that defiles people. And he warns people to be careful not to be greedy.
Paul says greed and envy are among the evils that people become filled with when they have depraved minds, and those people deserve death. People who get jealous are “acting like mere humans“, which is a bad thing, apparently. Paul says we should walk in the way of love, and love doesn’t envy. He says envy is a result of arguments from corrupt minds that understand nothing. People who live in envy are foolish and disobedient.
Paul says anyone who is greedy isn’t a real Christian, and can’t be part of the Christian community. Greedy, jealous, selfishly ambitious, and envious people can’t enter the kingdom of God, either. Paul says the greedy part of your nature must be put to death, before it brings on God’s wrath. Eagerness to gain money is a root of all kinds of evil, causing people to leave the faith and come to grief.
Paul instructed his followers to behave decently, as opposed to indulging in jealousy. He didn’t want there to be any jealousy among his followers. He told them not to envy each other, and not to be full of greed. It would be improper to have even a hint of greed among them.
James says envy and selfish ambition are demonic, and invariably go along with every other evil practice. He says violent fights are the result of covetous desires. And Peter tells his followers to rid themselves of all envy. He says experts in greed are accursed, and greedy false teachers will be destroyed.